

About SICC

About us

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Crystallize the future.
  • SICC Co., Ltd.
  • 2010.11.2
  • Zong Yanmin
  • RMB  429,711,044.00
  • No.99 South Tianyue Road, Huaiyin District, Jinan, Shandong.
  • Jinan Plant   Jining Plant   Shanghai Plant   Japan Subsidiary

From SiC to SICC

SICC was founded in 2010. It is a technological company focusing on the R&D, production and sales of silicon carbide (SiC) substrate material.

With the business philosophy of Technology · Quality · Sustainability, SICC attaches importance to product and service quality, takes meeting customer needs and helping customers solve problems as its work orientation. SICC actively expands the market and pursues sustainable business development while mastering the process technology independently.

The SiC Single Crystal Substrate is a wide bandgap semiconductor material. Compared with traditional materials, it has better physical properties and can effectively improve the power density and overall performance of devices. It can be widely used in fields of power electronics and microwave electronics.

But what behind the superior physical properties are sophisticated and complex preparation processes. The SiC signal crystal grows in an enclosed environment with high temperature and low pressure. Any slight change in the environment may cause lattice disorder, which will affect the crystal quality.

Relying on the experience of industrialization and the R&D team, SICC keeps paying attention to technology leading and quality improving, and insists on continuous innovation. SICC will build integrated solutions to improve service and product, and strives to become an international famous company of semiconductor materials.

? 2021 Copyright SICC Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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